After backtracking (alot) , I found myself outside number 65 Highstreet, and luckily someone from LOVE was on his way in to the building, therefore he showed me where to go and told Adam Rix that I had arrived.
The studio was amazing, I sat on leather sofas oppostie the reception desk, observed the wide variety of fruit on the table infront of me but decided against helping myself to it. The receptionist was very friendly and as I waited for Adam and was looking around I began to feel slightly overwhelmed by the colourful studio filled with the hustle and bustle of designers answering briefs. I had researched and read about quite alot of LOVES work so it was great to witness the ideas being put into action.
Adam came over with a friendly smile and way about him so I felt chilled out already, and we went round the corner to another seating area.
I began by reading my portfolio, going through each idea briefly. Then after that Adam went through my portfolio and each idea one by one and said what he liked and what could be developed a bit more. One of the ideas he thought could be refined was the British Postal Museums logo, so I plan on refining it then emailing it back to him for more feedback. Adam said he especially liked the 2 men and a Wardrobe poster and the TED magazine rolled up to visualize a magic wand.
At the end I asked him about placements and staying in contact if ever I needed anymore guidance and direction and he said that was fine, and so I plan on emailing him very soon. Overall I found the experience has made me believe that this is definitely the career choice for me and that I am passionate about graphic design, and that I am going in the right direction. Each portfolio visit has left me with more contacts and has helped me build bridges for the future and also in my work.
Here is the updated portfolio that I showed to Adam Rix at LOVE.