Container Plus are a collaborative company whose aim is to problem solve. And one of the founders of container plus is Louise Vormitdaag who came in to talk to us about how it was formed, what they do and advice and tips as to how to come up with the great idea.
In the talk I was sat next to one of my really good friends who is studying moving image, but we had recently decided to work on a brief together which was to design a campaign including a design for shop window for Ted Baker. Ironically as Louise started her talk she said how her company started out in the beginning, herself and her good friend Nicola illustrated a window of Selfridges, and it is from this they realised they worked well together.
As she discussed their projects, it became clear that they worked well with sets as well as illustration, and the visuals were amazing. I especially liked the work they did for the Volkswagen Car Launch where they were given 4 rooms in a house to design themselves, and she said it was "a 360 degree experience."
She also said something that I feel is very important and it is something I try and do, it is always to try and be nice to the people you work with, and they will help you out when you need it.
The process she discussed when they created their project 'Evil Twins' is something I have noted down and I think me and my friend are going to use as inspiration for our project.
She said to firstly create a story/concept and then that can be taken to any scene such as a park. Also its the use of sets and props that made me think this is the perfect way of thinking for our project. And that photographs and sets can be edited and changed on photoshop and so it is never limiting.
What became apparent in the talk was how important it is that you test a collaboration before you're committed to it. Louise and her team realised that is was 3 people they found a good combination, and then have assistants who help them.
This way by using techniques as simple as just having a conversation led them to their great ideas.
After the talk me and my friend wanted to learn more, and ask for some advice on our window display project. We discussed with Louise our process, and she agreed it was a good idea to come up with the story/concept then go along with whatever comes from that. I think we had started to discuss how we were going to present an idea whereas we shouldn't really had been doing that already. Additionally Louise stated to treat the Window like a stage, and imagine the performance that is going to take place on that stage... "how are you going to use the space? are you going to stick anything on the glass? is there going to be something there that involves the public like an event?"
She also kindly gave us a list of artists to research that might help us out.
Ovarall a very informative and entertaining talk with a very positive outcome.